
In recent years eating practices and food habits have taken a drastic turn. People are loaded with information but there is a lack of knowledge when it comes to consumption of the right food. Appropriate nutrition is very important for optimal physiological and psychological well being. It has now become very important to educate and counsel people to bring in required changes in their eating habits. The aim of conducting workshops frequently is to teach individuals the importance of proper nutrition and to reinforce the message “Healthy is not Boring”. This is possible only by creating awareness through regular workshops.  People may be more likely to make informed choices and decisions conducive to their health despite their occupation. 

Calendar (For Upcoming Workshop)

  • Managing stress through diet & nutrition
  • Mother’s Nutrition Day Out
  • Geriatric Nutrition
  • World Environment Day with Farmers
  • Seminar on  Mindful Eating

Workshops conducted in the past

  • Nutrition Wellness Workshop
  • Eat Right Future Bright
  • Webinar on Ayurveda Nutrition
  • A practical workshop on Detox Diet
  • Conscious Eating, Healthy Living
  • Optimal menopause diet workshop
  • Optimal Menopause Diet Workshop