In Ayurveda, Tulsi is considered as the most important plant. Tulsi leaves are used in preparing many ayurvedic medicnes. Indian tradition still follows the custom of keeping tulsi plant at home as it is considered to be auspicious. There are huge number of benefits of tulsi leaves and the list goes on and on. Before listing the benefits, we must know that there are two types of tulsi : 1) Ram Tulsi and 2) Shyam Tulsi. It is easy to differentiate between these two types mainly by their colour. Ram tulsi is light green in colour whereas Shyam Tulsi is dark green in colour, at times it appears as black also. Hence it is called as Shyam Tulsi and it has more medicinal value compared to the other one. Following is a small list for using tusli leaves for different ailments :

To get maximum benefit, ensure that you use only Shyam Tulsi.
1. Fever and indigestion is a common health issue during monsoon. Extract the juice from 10-15 tulsi leaves. Add little honey or jaggery to this juice. Have this regularly to get rid of fever and indigestion.

2. In case of high fever, boil 15-20 tulsi leaves in 1glass of water till water becomes half in quantity. Now consume this water 3-4 times a day by adding little jaggery to it.

3. Women suffer from leukorrhea which is commonly referred to as white discharge which can keep occurring regularly. To get rid of this problem completely, add rock sugar (desikhaand in Hindi) to 1 tsp of tulsi juice and have this several times a day.

4. For people who suffer from urine problem, especially the senior citizens it is best suggested to drink tusli water several times a day. Boil 15-20 tulsi leaves in 2 glasses of water and strain it. Keep consuming this to get relief from urine problem.

5. Mothers can give children tulsi juice regularly who suffer with abdominal worms problem. Regular intake of raw tulsi juice helps to get rid of worm.

6. Tulsi is also beneficial in beauty treatments. To stay away from dandruff, apply tusli juice on the scalp and leave for half an hour and wash with plain tap water. To get rid of pimples and blemishes, apply tusli juice on the face evenly. Wash with plain tap water after 15-20 minutes.

There are many more benefits of tulsi. Shyam tulsi helps to overcome atleast 25-30 diseases. So let’s go back to our roots and try out these nani ka nuskhas and get rid of all ailments.
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