Category: Wellness

A1 vs A2 MILK

Did you have your cup of milk today ? I had my cup of A2 milk.


Let us first understand the difference between A1 & A2 milk. Beta Casein is a protein content in milk. All cows make beta casein. But it is the type of beta casein that matters. There are two types of beta casein : A1 & A2 and they differ by only one amino acid. Such a small difference can result in having different properties.

A1 Beta Casein comes from the jersey cow. It can be found in all commercially prepared milk.

A2 Beta Casein is protein found in milk produced by Desi Gaay (local breed). Also A2 milk is similar to goat’s milk and mother’s milk and is suitable for human consumption. A2 protein in gentle for sensitive tummies. If you are lactose intolerant then A2 milk is the best for you. It is also high in omega 3 & 6, vitamins, calcium, minerals and many more. A2 milk is not only nutritious by also easier to digest.

Good Health = Good Sense

What came first into the earth- the chicken or the egg?

This dilemma stems from the observation that all chickens hatch from eggs and all chicken eggs are laid by chickens.

Similarly, does a healthy body breed a healthy mind or does a healthy mind breed a healthy body?

A healthy body would breed a healthy mind, and a healthy mind would breed a healthy spirit. And vice versa. In my opinion, it’s a loop. A circle.

Our body is a cacoon for our mind, and our mind is the brain of inside our cacoon- responsible for thoughts, feelings and intelligence.

Basically, our body is like a host, being controlled by a parasite-our mind. Both are inseparable. Both cannot exist without each other. Hence, our mind and our body is inter connected.

We need to bank on this connection & make this loop work! And how does this loop work? Here’s how-

You eat healthy, minimise binging on junk, exercise and treat your body with care, the mind automatically feels energised and creates positive vibes. A positive mind, motivates you to work harder to stay fit and healthy.

Good health will induce Good sense and good sense will help you create the life you’ve always wanted!

So folks, start from today, start from this very moment- sharpen your mind, harden your body and feed your soul!


Mudra Therapy

EARTH,  the characteristic attribute is solidity or strength.

WATER, thecharacteristic attribute is fluidity or instability.

FIRE, the power that can convert a substance from solid to liquid to gas or vice versa. The characteristic attribute is alteration or modification.

AIR, the characteristic attribute is flexible or dynamism. Air is existence without form.

SPACE, has no physical existence; it exists only as the distances that separate matter.

The universe is composed of these five elements. The human body is also composed of the same five elements, being a miniature universe. Good Health can be maintained only by a balanced and controlled functioning of each of these elements. Diseases are caused when there is an imbalance in these elements. These elements can be balanced in a number of ways. One of the easiest ways is practising Mudra Therapy as it is the most simple thing to do anywhere, any time and costs nothing.

The five fingers of each hand represent the five elements.

Fire     Thumb

Air   Index Finger

Space     Middle Finger

Fire      Ring Finger

Fire    Little Finger


Benefits :

  1. It empowers mind and has positive effect on emotions.
  2. It also empowers the heart thereby increasing its efficiency.
  3. It reduces the disorders of nervous system, drowsiness and lethargy.


Benefits :

  1. Anxiety, stress, and restlessness are reduced.
  2. Reduces flatulence and constipation.
  3. Reduces breathlessness and palpitations.


Benefits :

  1. This mudra detoxifies the body by the elimination of the metabolic wastes.
  2. Overcome heaviness in the body.
  3. To overcome discomfort by over eating.



  1. Overcome dryness of eyes.
  2. Scanty urination.
  3. Indigestion & constipation.



  1. Helps to overcome general debility & laziness.
  2. Overcome excessive thirst.
  3. Helps reduce frequent urination.

Should be practiced for 45 minutes per day before or after meals, for that matter anytime of the day. It can be done either at one stretch or in 3 parts, that is, 15 minutes, thrice a day.


Natural Instant Remedy for Dysentery

You would not like to tell your boss the reason for your absentism is ‘loosies’! The situation becomes worse when you have sensitive stomach. Dysentery is one of the common gastro intestinal disorder. There are lot of grandmother’s home remedies. The best and the easiest remedy is given below. It works very fast and is very effective. This is a wonderful remedy to end loose motions.

All you need is :

1 small cup milk

Half lemon

What you have to do ?

Step 1 : Keep the cup of milk in one hand

Step 2 : Take cut lemon in other hand

Step 3 : Now squeeze 3-4  drops of lemon and drink right away before milk curdles.

How it works?

Lemon juice has anti-inflammatory and acidic qualities which can calm sour intestines. When lemon juice is added to milk, it increases milk’s acidity and lowers its pH.

How often you should take ?

In case of severe dysentery it can be taken 3-4 times whereas in mild case only once is enough. This immediately stops loose motions.