What are millets?

Dalia has been a part of the Indian cuisine since ages. Made with broken wheat, it is easy to digest and is full of nutrition. It is high in fibre and is believed to be one of the best foods for weight loss. It can be made in several ways and is one of the healthiest options for breakfast/lunch and dinner. Here are some reasons why you must include it in your daily diet.

Rich In Fiber: Dalia is very rich in fiber content. This is why it cures constipation and increases metabolism.

A Complete Meal: Just like milk, Dalia is also a complete meal. It has loads of nutrients which make it apt as an ideal breakfast, lunch, dinner, and a dish for an evening snack.

Weight Loss: Dalia is ideal for those who want to have a flat tummy. Consume it prepared in hot milk or fried Dalia prepared using vegetables, Dalia in any form is a very good source of macro and micronutrients.

Good Source of Minerals: Dalia is a good source of the daily requirement of fiber and manganese.

It Keeps Your Tummy Full: Dalia is slow to digest, so it keeps our tummy full for long and does not let you get hunger pangs.

Low-Fat Diet: Dalia is extremely low in fat content. Thus, it is very good even for those who have any issues with the fear of putting on weight.

Good for Diabetics: Those patients who are suffering from Diabetes, can eat Dalia and remain healthy for a longer period.

Lowers Risk of Breast Cancer: Women those who consume Dalia on a regular basis, have a lower risk of acquiring breast cancer.

Good For Growing Children : Dalia is a natural source of B-vitamins, minerals, fibre and protein and is much healthier than packaged foods as it has no preservatives. You can also make interesting dishes with it and hence it is an ideal food for growing children.

Easy To Cook : One reason why dalia should be a part of your daily diet is that, it can be cooked easily and can be made into a number of recipes. You just need to boil it and add milk, veggies or tempering of your choice and enjoy.

Easy To Digest : Dalia can be digested easily and hence is given as primary diet to patients who are recovering from prolonged illnesses and older people who suffer from digestion issues.

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